Ed Glaeser, writing in the Wall Street Journal, reviews Robert Gordon’s The Rise and Fall of American Growth. (gated) A slice:
For instance, “Historical Statistics of the United States” tells us that a dollar in 1870 is worth a little less than $20 today. This implies that a person who earned $5,000 in 1870 could purchase about the same bundle of goods as someone who earns $100,000 today. But that’s nonsense. What person earning $100,000 today would trade places with someone earning even a generous wage 140 years ago? In 1870, there were no airplanes or cars or smartphones or air conditioners or microwave ovens. Medicine was awful. A large fraction of our daily expenses today couldn’t be bought in 1870 at any price, and thus inflation correction routinely introduces large errors into historical statistics.
Here’s a long essay on Richard Posner. (HT Tyler Cowen)
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